Saturday, June 8, 2024

Another in my apparent Fishbowl series





This is an unfinished drawing that I've been working on.  I just realized that this is another drawing with a fishbowl in it, so I guess it's another in a series.  I wonder what the significance of the fishbowl is.  It probably goes back to my youth.  At the risk of repeating myself, my uncle used to have a fish tank with a mass of plants and floating plants with tons of guppies and guppy babies.  I often spent time in front of that fish tank.  I would watch the small guppies taking refuge in the mass of floating plants, protecting themselves from the adults.  I  used to imagine myself being able to swim with the baby guppies in the mass of plants.  

I almost tossed this drawing.  I started this drawing and it seemed absolutely awful to me.  I was not happy with the way it was progressing.  I didn't like the emerging composition or the other elements.  I was a 'hair trigger' away from ripping the drawing out and tossing it.  Then, I started thinking about my own advice that I've given out, that  we often have good ideas, but we don't push it far enough to see what's there.  I reluctantly decided to continue.  I told myself that at the very least, I would try and learn as much as I could from pushing this drawing, even if I ultimately tossed it.  I also thought that maybe this was one of those "you have to go through the crap to get to the good stuff."  

Anyway, after struggling with this drawing for sometime, I started to make some positive progress and began to like what was happening.  I'm glad I listened to my inner self and that I didn't toss the drawing.  

I'm still working on this drawing, and I will post the finished drawing when it is done.  I haven't decided if I will add color to this drawing, maybe a color wash.  

Thanks for reading.  Russ Eng