Saturday, June 22, 2024


 June 22, 2024


Here's the finished drawing from my last post.  I think I'm finished with it.  Sometimes it's hard to decide when to let the work go and be born, for good or bad.  I'm glad I didn't chuck this drawing at the beginning stage.  Did I save this drawing from the trash?  I don't know.  Or, was it just part of the process of creating?  Overall, I like the results, save for a couple of minor issues.  Unlike a pencil drawing, where you can erase any mistake, an ink drawing is like carving in stone.  There usually isn't any 'erase' options, not usually, unless you are able to turn a mistake into something else acceptable.  That doesn't happen that often.  I realized that with the couple in the bed, the woman's head is not correctly juxtaposed with the man's neck.  Yet, somehow, it still seems to work, I think.  The other thing is the mouse in the upper right.  I didn't know if I should have done more with that element.  I decided to leave it alone, as I wanted some open space for the viewer's eyes to 'rest', especially since the drawing is pretty busy.  I guess I like to make my drawings have intimacy on some level and be a safe space to hang out.  Thanks for reading.  

Russ Eng