Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Here’s the 2nd phase.  I am starting to play with colors, trying to figure out where I want cooler and warmer colors, pastels, and color blends, opacity, etc.  I’m also trying figure out the composition.  I stop, sit or stand back a distance, and evaluate, trying to figure out what needs fixing.  Well, it all needs fixing, but where do I want to work on next?  It is amazing how many times artists have to step back to critique their work.  A lot.  (Here’s a tip for artists.  You need to step back far enough from your work so that when you raise your arms straight out at 90 degrees, you can encompass the whole painting.  It will allow you to get your ‘bird’s eye view’ so necessary for evaluation.)  At times, I feel lost, like, “What the heck are you doing?”  I start to feel a bit lonely.  This happens a lot for me during the creative process, much like being alone on a boat on the high seas.  It often feels like your engine is not making much headway against the rough patches. 
Russell Eng