Thursday, June 4, 2020

I started off doing this thumbnail sketch with pen & ink, then colored it with watercolors.  In some ways, I wished I had used a permanent ink technical pen, as I had to be careful and not let the watercolors 'erase' my pen lines.  still, I like using a fountain pen as the nib is flexible and can give a varying line width depending on the pressure applied.  I think it also allows me more spontaneity.  The sketch came from my unconscious;  I just started sketching and whatever came up, came up.   I decided that I wanted to do a painting based on the sketch.  As you can see, the final painting is different substantially from the sketch.  I made some changes as I worked on the canvas, feeling that I needed to add color to the bunny.  the dark areas with the string of colors didn't come out quite the way I wanted or imagined, but I decided to leave it be.  I'm not sure how, or why, the two faces found their way into the painting, but it reappears again here, as I had two faces in the painting I had done just before this one. 
